Wednesday, April 6th, at 7pm, Al-Mahatta, Haifa
The upcoming Hawamesh will focus on presenting various perceptions of masculinity in Palestinian cinema. The meeting will offer some analysis of models of men and masculinity in Palestinian film, as well as the influence of political events on these perceptions. Salah Dabah, a Palestinian cinema researcher, will lead the discussion with examples from Palestinian film. He will offer an overview of the ways in which masculinity is reflected in Palestinian cinema, discuss cinematic methods of reinforcing masculinity on screen, and present alternative cinematography seeking to challenge mainstream conceptions of masculinity.
For the Facebook event, click here (Arabic Only).
“Hawamesh” (which means "margins" in Arabic), is a Haifa-based bi-monthly discussion forum about issues related to sexual and gender diversity in Palestinian society. Hawamesh aims to fill a void in the mainstream discourse - including the rhetoric of local queer organizing and sexuality activism - in order to disrupt and broaden its domain. In addition Hawamesh aims to reframe topics that were traditionally considered internal discussions exclusive to the LGBT community into a broader, more connected, and more relevant social and political context.
>All news // April Hawamesh Session: Models of Masculinity in Palestinian Cinema