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    Jerusalem: A Queer and Feminist Reading of the City

    The session tackles several layers, questions, and issues given rise to by the political reality of the city, including our daily lived experiences as LGBTQ+ people, systemic colonial violence, and potential areas of work and change for feminist and queer struggles in a complex and hetergenous context. 

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    A Rallying Cry for Queer Liberation 2021

    We call on queer Palestinians, allies, friends, comrades, political and social movements, groups, organizations, families, journalists, and activists to join us in Haifa!

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    New Queer Youth Group in Jerusalem!

    alQaws organizes a another youth group titled “Me, My Sexuality, and Society: Exploration, Knowledge, and Impact” in Jerusalem!

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    Our Queer Life: The Latest Uprising

    We share and reflect on our mixed emotions, our presence in the street, our complicated relationship with society, our roles, and different oppurtunities that may exist.