Singing Sexuality
“Ghanni A`an Taa`rif” (Singing Sexuality) is a Palestinian youth music project, and an initiative of alQaws for Sexual and Gender Diversity in Palestinian Society. The project emerged from the desire of alQaws activists to reach out to Palestinian youth. alQaws aspired to open new discussions about sexuality and gender diversity in Palestinian society through music. Music is an expressive art form that has the potential to make us think and feel; it is a driver and catalog of revolutionary social movements, this one no exception.
The media campaign for the project was launched on the first of May 2013, primarily through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and email. The Facebook page holds all relevant information about "Ghanni A`an Taa`rif", as well as all written and visual materials that were and will be produced. These include three promotional teaser videos directed by Eli Reziq and Shahd Issawi. The campaign also included graffiti painted on the walls of Jaffa, Haifa and other cities.
The website for the project (www.ghanni.net) was released yesterday on the 20th of May 2013, three weeks after launching the project’s initial media campaign. On the 25th of May 2013 at 8:00 pm the full project will be launched at a live concert at “Beat Club” in Haifa. All the participating artists will be in attendance, in addition to DJ Bruno Cruz and Jazar Crew.
The website includes all the original songs that were produced as part of the project. Many of the songs were produced as collaborations between groups of artists and writers. These collaborations reflect alQaws's valuing of collective work, and belief that sexuality cannot be discussed without engaging with broad societal oppression based on gender and sexuality. The collective effort put in "Ghanni A`an Taa`rif", as well as the freedom of the writers and artists to write and compose from their own positions and experiences truly embodies the collective resistance and gender and sexuality-based liberation at the core of the work alQaws does.
Songs on the website include the following: “Al-Qasida EShirreera” (written, composed and sung by Jami`a Takseer - Hassan and Rami Nakhle), “Manakir” (written, composed and sung by Haya Zaatry), “Ji’tu ila ahly“ (written, and composed by Jowan Safadi sung by Jowan Safadi and Haya Zaatry), “ana hurra bihaly” (written by Rimon Haddad and May Abadi), "Zumzum" (written by Muhammad Halim, composed and sung by Jami'a Takseer), "Thalath Qasa'id" (Written by Shahd Issawi, composed by Abu Rabus band, sung by Riyad Sliman), "Bhebbik" (written by: Muhammad Halim, composed by Jami'a Takseer and sung by Rola Azzar.)
All of the above are now available: www.ghanni.net
For more information:
[email protected]
Twitter: @Ghanni3anta3rif